Integrity of Self

Integrity: the state of being whole and undivided.


When we have integrity of self we fully participate with who we are. We are aware of the intricacies that make you, you.

Not necessarily a need for the same through our entire life but in each season, being aware of self and letting the integrity of who you come through.

Similar to a building. If it is built with integrity it is solid, whole, firm.

Not only should we be aware of ourselves but we should also be sure to take care of ourselves. Know what we need and take action to fulfill that.

Integrity of self gives us freedom to engage in what is specific to us and say no to that which is not. Integrity of self gives permission to focus on the essential parts of ourselves and disregard that which does not fit.

For example, I am loving my family more fully when I realize I don’t need to spend the extra 10 minutes checking social media at night. The integral part of my life is my family, not my social media account.

We are bound to ourselves. We cannot escape it. When we realize this, we are free to engage as we are, with what we have. There is freedom.

Not only is it freeing but it is also the way for most impact. Potential can be unleashed when we act with Integrity of Self.

Who are you? What is at the center of your three circles? What makes you whole?

Go after that!


Who are you? What makes you feel alive?

We should be on a search for that which drives us. Our passion.

We likely won’t have many, if any, moments where we can pin it down precisely but we should always be seeking after it.

It doesn’t have to be lifelong or indefinite. Passion changes with the seasons.

But knowing that which innately drives us and sustains us is important to spend time investigating.

When was the last time you thought about what makes you feel alive?

Passion Best At Results

More to come on “The Best At” and “Produced Results”. Where there is overlap, there is more potential for long term impact.

Equity over Equality

American has gotten something wrong. We are missing key principles to progress in a diverse world and country.

We must recognized the need for equity. We must work to give those who are socially destined with less.

This must start with a holistic view of privileged in society. When we understand privilege, we can start to notice the need for equity over equality.

I believe this election is showing us that large proportions of America does not agree with the image below.

I will be working to ensure that I can give away the benefits of my privilege and work to help others experience more equity. I will control my own actions and encourage others to take hold of this integrity driven, holistic approach on progress. Will you join me?

Thank you to my wife, Kelly, for leading me towards equity often.

Image result for equity over equality


We are able to create life in a petri dish, construct skyscrapers with mind bending engineering, send robots almost 250 million miles away to Mars, raise children who are valued members of society, foster life that overcomes horrific addictions…

We have more power than we even could hope for.

When we feel powerless or weak, we should remember the intricacies of creativity and life we have been given.

We are on the hook for this power.


I’ve been reading this below when I need a pick me up:

Focus now!

Dynasties are made with long term, specified impact

Develop your uniqueness as full as possible

Disregard and delete all toxic negativity around you and push forth

You will be connected with like-minded others and opportunities will arise

You have what it takes. Now go out and live it!

Reflect, Stretch, Enact

Uncomfortable situations are promoters of growth. In these moments, we are able to reflect, stretch, and enact. If we do not allow for these three segments to engage in times of challenge, we lose the opportunity. 

Reflect-Allows the moment to bring realization that otherwise is missing

Stretch-Leans us into trying something new and tasting the goodness of that environment. 

Enact-Take the moment beyond just that. Makes the experience something that can be embraced and embodied again and again. 


Why do I get defensive? Usually to protect myself. I am putting self security, safety of my image of myself, all above the importance of listening to another person.

I’ve been trying to listen more purely to people I trust. Instead of get defensive off the bat, I’ve leaned into listening with an open mind.

And it has been so rewarding! I’ve learned so much about myself and even more about those I’m listening to.

I hope I can transfer this to those outside of the circle of those I ‘trust’.


Most often, we will have the resources to say yes or step in.

When we do, we must do so with confidence and I’ve found this confidence of saying yes or stepping in comes from knowing priorities. Of myself, my family, and those around me.

I can chose to start something with my team if I know they all prioritize the main objective of the thing to start.

I can give my time and resources to a cause if it lines up with my and my family’s priorities.

Having priorities in mind, gives way to a more holistic self view and in turn lets us interact with our environment in a more full way.