Client Care

When we focus on extracting money from our client, they miss out on a lot, we miss out on a lot.

We should focus on adding value to the client or customer. When we do this we can create fans and they will be willing to give their money to us. Champions and fans are key to the foundation of an organization.

Adding value to others, considering the other will generate this.


We have a responsibility to offer and develop buy-in for projects, proposals, events, products that we believe in. Our message must be clear and include the value added to that person. We must consider the other first.

A shepherd has the sheep’s interest at the core. They are concerned with the well being of the herd and will do anything to keep it safe. We can ‘shepherd’ people away from their problems. It’s okay if that means selling them or gaining buy in on something we are passionate about!


When I have a complicated task ahead, I do one of two things:

  1. Quit “for the short term”.
  2. Start knocking off easy parts without thinking.

I have much room to improve in this. I can be more efficient by making a plan and having a course of action. However, that isn’t much of my natural tendency.

In most cases, I hope to be finding momentum and a groove by knocking off easy parts. Picking the low hanging fruit. Grabbing hold of a slight bit of success and carrying that through to my next task, opportunity, or goal.