
Focusing on possibility is not easy in difficult times.

It has been brings me through. It works.

When we focus on the possibility ahead, we set ourselves and others up for success. We start an upward spiral of optimism rather than the downard spiral of pessimism.

Possibility is powerful and it will run hard if you let it.

Because it Matters

I need to remember why so often.

I am a person who can get lost in an idea, moment, concept, project…By the time I lift my head, I easily feel the burn out creeping in.

Remembering why I am doing what I’m doing refreshes me.

We can come up with big mission statements but I’ve realized the simple reason is the one that sticks with me. It is the one I most easily connect with and remember.

Our Why Matters

Why? Because it Matters.


Working with Integrity-Influence


Recieving/Taking in

We must be open to influence and look to recieve that which will influence us for the better

Be willing to change mindset and grow rather than be fixed

Giving and Rolling With

We must know when to speak and when to listen

Be willing to step out and use influence to positively impact your environment

Know that you are an integral part to a team

Stubborn Gratitude

Moments when I’m stubborn are the most difficult to enter gratitude.

However, taking that stubbornness and letting it be the energy behind gratitude is possible! It just takes reverting the stubbornness from the point I’m trying to make or the anger I feel I’m just to have, and send it towards the path of gratitude.

“I will be right…I am in control…No one can tell me I’m wrong…” Turns to:

“I will be grateful!…I am grateful…No one can tell me I’m not grateful”

Before I know it, I’m overflowing with gratitude and cannot remember what I was so  upset about.

Start with Gratitude

I’ve found incredible success with gratitude.

In a sitaution that is frustrating, when anxiety creeps in, prior to going to the sometimes tiring place of meeting somewhere they are, leading with gratitude is powerful.

I take about 10 minutes each morning (sometimes I miss) and start with what I’m grateful for in the past or current situation. Quick moments of gratitude. I then think of what I’m grateful that I hope to happen. It sets my day for me and puts me on an upward spiral towards positivity and possibility.

Whether it’s starting the day with gratitude or bringing gratitude into a situation, I’ve found it helps me reach my goals and live life fully.


If I want sustained joy, I need to let my work be enough. Not the response from others. Not the profit gained. There must be something at my core that is satisfied with who I am.

I’m watching my puppy chase a butterfly in the yard. I want to be like that. If she does not catch it, she’s satisfied. It’s the fact that she gets to chase that gives her joy.

Where do you get it?

Most days, I have more energy and positivity than I know what to do with.

When people have asked me in the past, “How do you keep so positive?”, “Where does it come from?”, I have not had very good responses…

…”Well I find meaning and fulfilment in most things…My faith plays a big part…I look for the best…”. When I’ve given these response, it has not ever felt quite full or whole.

I am going to be searching for a more full reasoning for this so I can give a more integral or whole answer when asked. I want to share my energy and to do so more fully, I should be able to explain it at least a little.

Validating and Filtering

When we listen, especially to someone who is dissatisfied or disengaged, we will sometimes hear feedback or thoughts that are charged with strong emotion.

We MUST validate the feelings that are present and work to understand where they derive from if we are to make any progress or find any real solution.

In this validation, I’ve found success removing the emotion from the issue once it has been presented, understood, and validated. If I do not filter the emotion, I will let it affect me towards unnecessary urgency or stress.

In filtering, I allow clarity to exist and the most integral decision can be made.